
A really nice Vue.js modal component. (V3 - Compatible with Vue.js 3)
Check GitHub to see all the props and events


Hi, there! I'm a basic modal with no footer Use the footer buttons to close the modal Oh! Something went wrong! That was a success ;) Click on the OK button Now you can't exit the modal by hiting ESC or clicking outside the box

Basic modal

<vue-modality-v3 ref="myRef" title="Modal" hide-footer centered>
  Hi, there! I'm a basic modal with no footer


<vue-modality-v3 ref="myRef" @ok="$refs.myRef.hide()" @cancel="$refs.myRef.hide()" title="Modal" centered>
  Use the footer buttons to close the modal

Error icon

<vue-modality-v3 ref="myRef" error title="Error" centered  @ok="$refs.myRef.hide()" @cancel="$refs.myRef.hide()">
  Oh! Something went wrong!

Success icon

<vue-modality-v3 ref="myRef" success title="Success" centered  @ok="$refs.myRef.hide()" @cancel="$refs.myRef.hide()">
  That was a success ;)


<vue-modality-v3 ref="myRef" :ok-loading="loading" @ok="okHandle()" title="Loading" centered @cancel="$refs.success.hide()">
  Click on the OK button

No close on backdrop

<vue-modality-v3 ref="myRef" no-close-on-backdrop no-close-on-esc hide-cancel title="Use the button" centered  @ok="$refs.myRef.hide()" @cancel="$refs.myRef.hide()">
  Now you can't exit the modal by hiting ESC or clicking outside the box